Time to think
Scientific insights require peace and quiet, and the end result is still not a foregone conclusion. Does science still have enough time and space for insight or taking risks?
Scientific insights require peace and quiet, and the end result is still not a foregone conclusion. Does science still have enough time and space for insight or taking risks?
Remote and hybrid work affects well-being at work in many ways. Spirited discussion about the sufficient amount of face-to-face interaction is now ongoing in work communities.
Higher education institutions are not racism-ree zones. Identifying the phenomenon requires awareness from everyone. Increasing equal treatment is also about working life skills.
University supervisor jobs present certain peculiarities that increase work strain. Some of these can be acted upon by one’s self, but societal changes are also required.
Remote work is here to stay, but the importance of meeting in person is also understood better than ever. The various changes to university campuses are generating conversations about the kind of facilities that would best serve the scientific community and students.
Work plans don’t always correspond to reality but they are important in making work visible.
The law is clear: no one should experience workplace bullying.